Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union Address is Over; Now What?

The president gave his annual State of the Union address last night to a national audience, which was followed by Republican Paul Ryan's rebuttal to the president's speech.

Currently pundits from both sides of the political spectrum are analyzing and dissecting every word and phrase like it was a professional football game. In our highly charged partisan political world we always have to assess who won and who lost. Like I wrote before, you cannot judge the address by how it was delivered, or what the response from the public will be. The end results will be in the months ahead, when those proposals by the president are put into action.

Right now both political parties are gearing up for the 2012 presidential election, and every action by Congress and the president will have that focus in mind. The American people have only one thing on their mind, and that is where are the jobs!

The economy is front and center on the public mind, not partisan warfare. If the economy improves it will help the president's chances for re-election, but if it is still mired in high unemployment, the president will have a tough time being re-elected.

All the American people want right now are jobs!

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