Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Afghan Drawdown Debate Intensifies

A controversial report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Chaired by Senator John Kerry, released findings that the extensive attempt at nation-building in Afghanistan has had only limited success and might not survive once the U.S. withdraws from the country.

Currently debate is swirling around Washington and waiting for the anticipated announcement by the president in the coming weeks on how far and how deep the drawdown will be. Who is the president listening to with respect to guiding him in his decision making process? Currently the president has elevated and reshaped his national security team with individuals who were against the surge and believe in more of a counter-terrorism approach.

The report listed was done in conjunction with the State Department and United States Agency for International Development (USAID), but minimal input was received from the military. The report mentions that the military has taken the lead in development at the expense of the State Department and USAID, but in 2009, the president mentioned there will be a surge of civilians into Afghanistan; that has not happened.

If a report is to be done in an objective manner, it needs to include input from the military-in-theater, and from Republicans on the committee.

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