Thursday, June 23, 2011

President Plays Politics With Troop Withdrawal

Last night President Obama announced his decision to bring home 10,000 U.S. forces from Afghanistan this year and 23,000 by the end of next summer. The reduction was far deeper than what military commanders in the field wanted, especially to have all the surge forces home by the end of next summer, which is right in the middle of the fighting season.

The president had made his decision to play to his political base and what was expedient without regard to what his military commanders had recommended.

The last part of the President's speech was devoted towards the need to focus on reviving the U.S. economy and doing nation building in the United States. Unfortunately, the President's own policies have contributed to the economic stagnation after having spent close to $4 trillion dollars, which included almost $1 trillion dollar stimulus policy that failed to revive the economy as the President stated it would.

President Obama is correct in saying that the economy needs to be the nation's number one priority, but the President has failed to deliver his own plan to reduce the federal debt, especially how to rein in entitlement spending. He has left that decision to others.

Again the President is only looking to his own re-election and not what is in the best interests of the nation.

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