Wednesday, June 15, 2011

GOP Shift on War Goals

In the past the GOP has been hawkish on U.S. foreign policy, especially with regard to the war's in both Iraq and Afghanistan. During Monday's GOP presidential debate, various candidates were less united on continuing U.S. military operations in Iraq, but more specifically in Afghanistan, where in the coming weeks the president will be announcing his withdrawal strategy.

The shift in GOP strategy, and more directly as it relates to Afghanistan is a bit interesting, especially when Senator John McCain, who was the GOP candidate who lost to President Obama, and a Vietnam War veteran, supports our efforts in Afghanistan. None of the GOP candidates running for president have any connection to the military or served themselves.

Senator McCain, currently has two son's serving in the military, with his youngest son having served in Iraq with the Marines. America is entering a different period where the vast majority of Americans have little or no connection to those who serve. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, have consistently commented on this disconnect and how the gap has widened.

It is interesting to follow the debate when Democrats, as well as Republicans, voted and supported the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan, but as soon as difficulties arose, changed their tune on why they voted the way they did. Once again we are seeing both political parties play politics with the war at the expense of those serving in harm's way.

No wonder we have a mess in Washington!

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