Tuesday, June 21, 2011

President to Announce Afghan Drawdown

Tomorrow night President Obama will be announcing his Afghan drawdown strategy, and thee is wild speculation on how many military forces will be returning home. Military commanders want a limited reduction with the bulk of the reduction coming after next years fighting season.

The President is facing enormous pressure from his base to begin a rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan. The interesting part of the whole Afghan debate is that those who want the U.S. to leave Afghanistan had a different opinion back in 2008. In the 2008 presidential elections many debated we should send more troops to Afghanistan where the real threat to the U.S. was, not in Iraq.

Now these same politicians sound a different tune. You have to go back in time and read what both Democrats and Republicans all said regarding Afghanistan. Many have never even been there, and if they do visit Afghanistan they see and hear what they want to hear.

The U.S. has to have abroad strategy for the region and not focus only on tactics, which is the case today. We have to remember the last time the U.S. left Afghanistan and what followed afterward.

If we make a mistake we will again face the repercussions.


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