Friday, June 17, 2011

President Receives Chilly Reception from Business Leaders

In a rare dressing down, President Obama received a chilly reception from the nations business leaders and manufacturing executives. Many have complained that the president's own economic policies have contributed to the stagnate business climate in the U.S.

As business leaders voiced their grievances, the often heard complaint was the byzantine environmental regulations, failure to pass free trade deals, and the presidents consistent blaming of business for the state of the nation's economy, all contributing factors for businesses to refrain from expanding.

Currently, thousands of new regulations are in the pipeline that will have a direct impact on how business will operate in this country. The nation's largest single exporter, Boeing, is in a protracted battle with the National Labor Relations Board, which is preventing Boeing from moving a recently completed facility in South Carolina. The NLRB is trying to get the plant declared illegal because South Carolina is a right-to-work state, thus jeopardizing jobs in South Carolina.

The president's own policies have constricted the growth of business and prevented the economy from expanding and creating the necessary jobs needed to sustain a viable economic recovery.

If the president wants sustained economic growth, then end the byzantine environmental policies that have constricted economic growth, reform tax polices that impede business expansion, and help small business get the needed capital to expand and create jobs.

On Monday, it was reported that entrepreneurs have started up the fewest new businesses in more than a decade, this should be a wake up call to where the economy is headed.

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