Wednesday, August 10, 2011

America in Crisis

America today reminds me more of the America in the 1970's, where economic uncertainty over the nature of the economy, coupled with indecision abroad seemed to paralyze this country. On Monday the Stock Market had the sixth largest one day drop in its history. When the President spoke, the markets reacted negatively to his feeble attempts to assure stability.

Over the weekend 30 American Special Forces military personnel had been killed when their helicopter was shot down by Taliban forces, and again the U.S. seems rudderless in what strategy it is trying to pursue in Afghanistan. The administration has thus far failed to articulate a comprehensive strategy in Afghanistan. It appears that the strategy the President proposes is based more on politics then on any military strategy.

Currently, economic instability in Europe has affected U.S. markets, but our own economic policies have also affected the economy. Too often leaders in Washington have routinely debated raising taxes and spending reductions as a way to reduce the massive federal debt. Unfortunately, Washington politics continually contributes to high unemployment and flight of jobs overseas.

If the U.S. wants to reduce the federal debt, it will have to reduce the persistent high unemployment rate. Washington passed the massive stimulus plan in 2009, we were told that its passage would keep unemployment under 8%- well we have been over 9% for over two years.

As a small business owner, I see first-hand the affects of misguided policies of Washington and its continued failed economic policies. Maybe if at at least some of this administration had run a business before we would be in a far different place economically. This period reminds me more and more of the 1970's!

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