Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Congress Approves Debt Deal; Now on to the President

Today, the Senate approved the landmark federal debt ceiling plan 74-26, which would raise the federal debt limit and radically reduce government spending. The measure now goes to the President to be signed into law.

After weeks of contentious and downright vigorous debate about reducing the ballooning federal debt the partisan battles will continue into the fall and definitely into next year's pivotal presidential election. Still left to be decided is the 2012 federal budget, as of right now, none of the appropriations bills have been signed only the House has passed a budget.

President Obama's 2012 federal budget was defeated by the Democratic controlled Senate 97-0, with nothing else submitted in its place. The contentious battle over the scope and direction of the federal government will definitely continue into next year.

The 2012 presidential election will be a transformational election one that will present two competing ideologies, one the American people will have to make.

President Obama will be campaigning on the theme of a more activist role for the the federal government in the nation's economy, which in turn he believes will spur economic growth. Republicans will be campaigning on less government involvement in the market place, with more market orientated business practices to expand the nation's economy.

The American people have two stark choices to make.


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