Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Time has come to Reorganize the Defense Department

With the nation mired in massive debt and the fight in Washington over how to reduce the bloated federal debt every federal program needs to be included in deficit reduction; and that includes the Defense Department.

Too often many in Washington hold defense reductions in the same way, many refuse to entertain any thought of reducing or overhauling entitlement spending as a way to rein in federal spending. The time has come where defense spending has to be included in reducing the federal debt.

Instead of handing the Defense Department over to budget cutters, Washington needs for the first time to look how the Pentagon can reduce spending without reducing military readiness and power projection. Too often in the past, short-sighted policies place the nation in peril, without thinking of what future threats or contingencies will be. The reduction of the Defense Department, after World War II had a disastrous effect on the U.S. in the early days of the Cold War and which the U.S. paid dearly for in the beginning of the Korean War. The same could be said for the time following the Vietnam War and in the 1990's.

The Defense Department needs to overhaul and change how it operates and look at every aspect of procurement and acquisition; this also includes looking at duplication between the various military services. Each military service has unique capabilities that are inherent in that service, but that said, too often many of the same services duplicate supply, communications, and other aspects that could be standardized throughout the Department of Defense.

The time has come for the Pentagon to commission a task force that looks at all aspects of Pentagon spending; otherwise reductions will be made, and as we know, history repeats itself, which will be detrimental to the national security of this country.


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