Monday, August 22, 2011

Qaddafi Appears Done in Libya

After 42 years in power, the brutal regime of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi appears to be over. Over the weekend rebel forces entered the Libyan capital of Tripoli, and reports have it that one of Qaddafi's son's has been captured by rebel forces.

For six months rebels have been trying to over through Qaddafi. In March, NATO entered the fray to prevent a humanitarian disaster, with the U.S. playing a subordinate role. The U.S. however, was still providing 75% of the funding and other logistical support. Recently NATO was having a difficult time continuing the operation as the conflict was fraying the alliance.

If this latest events provide for the removal of Qaddafi, the transition to democracy will be problematic and chaotic as the National Transitional Council (NTC) begins to assume some sort of control over the country. This rebel council had been recognized by France in March, with the U.S. reluctantly supporting it last month. As Libya is tribal society, the question remains if the NTC be able to incorporate all elements of Libyan society into a cohesive government?

In tribal societies we have seen the fragmentation of the country once the authoritative government is removed, one only has to remember the euphoria that swept Iraq after the removal of Saddam Hussein. What role will the U.S. play in assisting with the establishment of a democratic Libya? Remember, President Obama stated `there will be no American boots on the ground.`

The Libyan people are close to ending their long nightmare, but before one gets all euphoric, especially those in the west, it is important to remember that Democracy takes time to build and doesn't happen over night! The U.S. still doesn't have a clear policy for Libya, or for that matter the Middle East.

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