Friday, August 12, 2011

What's Wrong With Washington?

This past week has seen a tumultuous activity with regard to the nation's economy, as the country witnessed and experienced a wild ride on the economic markets. The wild swings on the Stock Market were the same swings the country witnessed last week as the nation went to the brink of default before finally passing the Debt Ceiling legislation.

Both political parties are playing partisan politics and are only playing to the base of their respective parties. Missing is the leadership that we need to have if the nation is to recover from this economic stagnation, which has the economy virtually at a standstill.

Elements of the Republican party have to realize they only control one aspect of the government. Many scoff and would rather let the nation go to the brink before they compromise with the administration over anything. Democrats, need to stop blaming the other side and pass a budget, which they have failed to do in over two and half years.

Yesterday, President Obama spoke at Johnson Controls, Inc. in Michigan, an advanced battery facility, but unfortunately the President returned to his usual rhetorical partisan rancor of blaming the other side. What the President failed to mention was he has failed to submit his own budget, failed to submit his own proposals for addressing the economy, and failed to embrace any recommendations from his own debt commission.

Before the President unleashes partisan speeches, it's time for leadership and time for the President to submit in writing his own strategy for reviving the nation's economy and for reducing the massive federal debt.

Too bad that it's leadership from both parties that is the real thing missing in Washington!

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