Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wanted: Veteran Looking For a Job

George Washington said it best, "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation." Unfortunately, this statement rings all to true today. With the nation facing a stagnate economy, the highest demographics for those unemployed are; veterans.

Too often the nation is euphoric as they send brave men and women to preserve the freedom we cherish, but when they return, veterans face bleak employment opportunities.

I have felt this searing sting of rejection while seeking employment. Employers, not fully understanding what a veteran can bring to a company, many times ask questions that are reflections of opinions regarding military service of what Hollywood portrays. Society today has grown detached to what military service is and believing what the media tells them, which is that all veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan face some sort of psychological disorder.

Veterans today don't feel the open hostility felt by veterans returning from Vietnam, but they face the hidden rejection of society not fully understanding what they can bring to a company. Military reservists face the prospects of being denied employment just because they serve their country. I faced this myself when applying to numerous companies, always asked the same question-"when are you deploying'? The other question is, what can your experience from the military bring to our organization.

This is why I started Military Briefing Book so that I can employ veterans who are shunned by a country they swear allegiance to protect, and I urge you to encourage others to do the same. As we ponder my opening statement of a past president, General George Washington (who served his country in the military) we can ask ourselves, where has America gone.

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