Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Disease of Out of Control Government Spending

Just about every problem emanating from government is attributed one prevailing theme; government at all levels can’t control spending! If you analyze how all levels of governments from local, state, and federal levels you will see that they placed themselves into this precarious situation by not controlling spending.

America faces an enormous federal debt that many attribute to the economic crisis but the seeds were sown years ago by not reigning in federal spending. Currently the two biggest entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare have been allowed to continue unchecked, that will shackle future generations with unfunded mandates.

Currently the War on Terror has allowed defense spending to rise to unprecedented levels without any accountability as both political parties see this as a way to bring defense dollars home to their states and districts.

Many states have fallen into the trap that has infected Washington. California, the largest state in the union and if it was a nation would rank as the eighth largest economy in the world. California is now experiencing a financial crisis of unprecedented proportion, with many blaming the economy for its troubles. Unfortunately, California has been broke since 2000, California leaders have just been using budgetary gimmicks and borrowing to finance its budgets. Now the situation is worse and they are powerless and incapable of putting partisan politics to the side.

Many other states face the same problems by spending too much giving too much to special interest groups and always believing that tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow has come and both parties just play the blame game instead of focusing on the task at hand.

The nation needs to stop spending and stop spending now! It’s not a revenue issue it’s plain and simple a spending issue. All levels of government have pursued anti-business policies that have sent businesses abroad and with them quality jobs.

It’s time to focus on reducing this trend before it’s too late.

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