Monday, February 22, 2010

Republicans Conclude CPAC Convention

Fresh from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that concluded over the weekend Republicans feel that with the wind at their back they are poised to make significant gains in the mid-term elections in November.

With President Obama’s poll number continuing to slide and the sour mood of the Americans over the direction of the country, Republicans are jubilant over their prospects that is in stark contrast to the mood a year ago.

Before Republicans uncork the champion, they had better have a plan of their own! Just because the American people are fermenting a backlash against Democrats, doesn’t mean that they have embraced the Republicans.

The American people want answers to the economic crisis that has gripped the nation and sent unemployment to record levels. The American people are looking for ideological governing that they received from the Republicans that last time they governed and now are receiving from Democrats.

Partisan politics will not end unemployment or revive the American economy! The nation wants answers and wants Washington to listen to their concerns not Wall Street or special interests groups.

Both parties are guilty of causing this economic crisis and both parties had better start fixing it or they will face the wrath of voters!

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