Friday, February 26, 2010

The Time is Now to Reign in Government Spending

Too often the recession is blamed for the economic trouble that federal, State and local governments find themselves in. This is only partly true but it leaves a vast gap in the true nature of the economic turmoil that has engulfed government at all levels and that is; out of control spending.

Too often government at all levels perpetrated and engaged in spending that could not be sustained over time and no thought to the long term consequences of their actions. This is not confined to one party or one president, both sides, both Republican and Democratic presidents engaged in irresponsible economic policies that now have the nation saddled with a huge national debt.

Local governments fare no better as they are facing enormous amount of red ink and no idea of how to solve the problem. California, the state that I hail from has literally bankrupted itself and Sacramento squabbles about raising taxes or cutting spending.

Right now government entities at all levels are facing a hidden tsunami that most taxpayers are unaware of; the funding of governmental pensions. Governmental pension systems are facing a shortfall of almost one trillion dollars that have to be met and elected officials are hiding this from the public as they have no clue how to cover this gap. Too often over generous benefits and lack of contributions contributed to the mess, but it’s the taxpayers who will face the music.

You would think by now that spending would abate, but no spending still continues at record pace with no end in sight. This week it was reported that California State Government wasted one billion dollars of the taxpayer’s money because of poor accounting and wasteful spending practices, but at the same time they are cutting vital services.

The stimulus package that passed last year has been a boondoggle from the beginning only enriching Democratic power brokers and special interest groups. In 2008 we elected Democrats and President Obama to end business as usual, but all we got is the same old governmental structure replacing one corrupt party for another.

It’s time the people take back their country and make sure that elected officials are held accountable for their actions and who they are supposed to represent. Time has come for sound economic policy is instituted in Washington and across the nation as our economic future depends on it.

Come November let s through them all out and elected representatives who put the people interest’s firsts and not their own!

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