Thursday, February 25, 2010

Drama in Washington Over Health Care Reform

Today the President convened his much anticipated Health Care Reform Summit, unfortunately it was an opportunity for both political parties to posture and articulate their core beliefs in favor or against Health Care Reform.

The real issue that hasn’t been discussed is how will America afford sweeping health care reform measures currently before Congress? The House and Senate bill already has been a give away to special interest groups and various members of both the House and Senate to gain their vote.

The question that I want to propose is how the nation will afford such sweeping change to the nation’s health care system? Assumptions of cost savings have been factored into both health care plans before Congress, but as we have seen in the past over optimistic accounting has ratcheted the spending higher than was anticipated.

The stimulus package that was passed last year was revised upward at the tune of over $75 billion dollars, and the prescription drug plan passed in 2004 wasn’t even paid for and only added to the national debt. The nation can’t afford for the administration to be wrong, because if they are then it will add another entitlement program that only adds to the burdensome national debt.

The administration needs to take a step back and analysis this legislation and remove all provisions and kick back to individual House and Senate leaders to secure their vote, and truly enact a comprehensive reform measure that will truly reduce the cost of health care in this country.

If we continue on this path then the taxpayers are the ones that will pay!

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