Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tomorrow Health Summit Begins

Tomorrow the much anticipated Health care Summit convenes with the President trying to resurrect support for his health care initiative and Republicans trying to stop its passage.

This summit is only a mere shame to show bi-partisanship that they are working together; unfortunately the Democrats are using this to trap Republicans. Republicans are showing up just too show the American people they have creditable solutions to reforming the nation’s health care.

The real problem is that neither side has come up with any viable solution to the spiraling cost of health care. The one area that has not been addressed adequately is how to control the cost of health care!

Both the House and Senate version of health care legislation uses over optimistic funding in controlling cost. If passed health care legislation predicates that over $500 billion dollars will be cut from Medicare and will raise taxes to fund the over one trillion dollars health care reform legislation.

First there is $500 billion dollars to be cut from Medicare, why wasn’t it done already; as this could have reduced our debt. When has Congress ever reduced spending from anything let alone from Medicare that will anger the largest voting bloc; senior citizens.

As for taxes, you are going to raise taxes in a time of great economic peril; this will hurt Middle America. Where is tort reform in this debate or preventative medicine?

Those in favor of Health Care Reform had better make sure that the numbers add up or America will be saddled with huge monstrous reform package that will only add to the national debt.

Look how this measure had to pass the Senate with various Senators guaranteed different kickbacks to ensure its passage. Senator Nelson of Nebraska, and Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and other s all received major kickback to guarantee their vote to ensure its passage in the Senate. Is this health care reform?

When has Congress been right on anything! If they are wrong then we the taxpayers pay, so let’s make sure we know what’s in it before passage or we will suffer!

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