Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Senator Evan Bayh Shocks Political World With His Retirement

Yesterday, Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana stunned the political establishment by announcing his retirement from the Senate. Senator Bayh was up for re-election this year and many expected him to win, but would have had a tough re-election campaign.

This sudden announcement stunned Washington but more importantly sent shock waves through the Democratic Party already reeling from Scott Brown’s win in Massachusetts last month.

Senator Bayh was considered a centrist and grew frustrated with the lack of civility and partisan politics now emanating from Washington. Both parties seem more interested in playing partisan politics then solving the nation’s problems.

Republican have the most to gain with this sudden announcement, as they now have a chance to pick up his seat in Indiana.

Before Republicans get to jubilant they better start focusing on the nation’s myriad of problems and not reverting back to petty partisan politics. The public is in a very anti-incumbent mood and they know all too well that both parties are responsible for fiscal mess this nation finds itself in.

Americans want solutions to joblessness, health care, education and many other problems facing this country. What they don’t want is partisan bickering, finger pointing and want bi-partisan cooperation. Instead we have paralyses that hampers any meaningful dialogue in solving the nation’s problems.

The message is loud and clear, unfortunately Washington isn’t listening!

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