Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Federal Debt a Threat to American National Security

Right now the greatest threat to the security of the United States is not from any external threat, but form within its own borders; that is the national debt!

Democrats and Republicans blame each other for the spiraling out of control spending. Republicans site the expansion of government spending under the Obama Administration and Democrats repeatedly remind everyone the state of the economy they inherited.

The real problem is both political parties are responsible for the explosion of our national debt and both political parties are paralyzed by inaction as both are mired in partisan politics instead of seeking bi-partisan solutions to solving it.

Monday, Senator Evan Bayh announced his retirement from the Senate, stating that both parties would rather engage is partisan political warfare than seek to solve the nations woes.

If we continue on this destructive path of allowing the national debt to grow without any means of reigning in government spending we will threaten the national security of this nation!

Right now China holds almost $800 billion dollars of U.S. treasuries with other countries coming in behind which includes Oil Producing Exporting Countries (OPEC) or nations in the Middle East.

The rate that we are going is unsustainable and can’t continue forever. The problem is both parties caused this mess and both parties our unable to solve the problem as partisan politics and beholden to special interests groups will keep them from getting our debt under control.

Every agency and department has to be included for the nation to bring our debt under control. The bloated defense budget has to be reduced, as well as the Social Security and Medicare have to be brought under control.

Washington had better listen as the voters are in foul mood and both parties will be held accountable come November!

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