Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Afghan War Review To Be Released

Tomorrow the president will unveil his much anticipated Afghan review, giving a summary of how U.S. progress is being made after a surge of U.S. forces into Afghanistan this past year.

Intelligence reports offer a different assessment by reporting that the U.S. has limited chance of success unless Pakistan gets serious in hunting down insurgents operating from safe havens on its territory.

The military and intelligence agencies contradict each other on what is happening on the ground, as the military cites that the final troop surge wasn't complete until just this past September. Unfortunately, the intelligence assessment didn't factor in the political effects of the president's trip to Asia in November.

Pakistan has always seen India as its real threat over any insurgents on its territory. The U.S. has for years been trying to get Pakistan to get serious about insurgent forces who freely cross over the border, but Pakistan has repeatedly rebuffed these efforts. India has been encroaching into Afghanistan with personnel and funding, and Pakistan is extremely paranoid about this.

The president's lavish praise on India only heightened their paranoia, causing them to further dig in their heals against fighting these insurgent groups. President Obama and his advisers truly need to develop an understanding of foreign policy, as they have now made the military mission in Afghanistan much more difficult.

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