Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Happened to Afghanistan?

The past few weeks media attention has focused primarily on whether to extend the Bush era tax cut, but another issue largely forgotten is that in the coming days the Afghan troop surge assessment will be released.

Over the past weeks we have seen the July, 2011 date when U.S. forces are to start the withdrawal, and it seems to have been moved back to 2014, but the president appears to be silent on what the intentions of the U.S. are.

Public support for the war in Afghanistan has been rapidly declining, and most Americans feel that the economic situation faced by our nation is also a direct result of our presence in Afghanistan. The public perception seems to be that we are spending too much money in Afghanistan when should be spending it here in the U.S.

The president needs to use the power of the bully pulpit, which he has failed to do, and articulate why we need to be in Afghanistan and what we are trying to accomplish. So far he has failed to do so.

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