Tuesday, December 7, 2010

International Test Score Data Show U.S. Firmly Mid-Pack

These past few weeks the debate which has galvanized Washington is whether to extend the Bush tax cuts, but one story that seems to be missed is the results of a global survey, which ranked the U.S. in the middle of educational achievements in relation to other countries.

After intensive efforts over the past fifteen years, in which both Democratic and Republican administrations have spent hundreds of billions of dollars, the U.S. still ranks in the middle of the pack in achievement in relation to other countries. In a new global survey of 15-year-old student achievement: average in reading, average in science and slightly below average in math.

Both Republicans and Democrats will spin this to fit their own ideological agenda, but the fact remains, we are not educating our children to meet the demands of a global economy. If we want to compete with other nations then we need to start expecting more from our children.

Again, both sides will begin pushing and supporting an outdated educational model instead of focusing on real reform. Over the years Democrats claim we need more funding, Republicans push for more accountability, but still the nations spends billions on education with the same results. Mediocrity!

The U.S. should have the best educational system on the plant. But sadly, after spending billions, studies show that we still have a mediocre system. How sad!


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