Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Commission's Final Deficit Report, To Include Sharp Cuts in Military Spending

The leaders of President Obama's Deficit Reduction Commission just released its finding on how it would reduce the huge ballooning federal debt, which if not addressed will seriously undermine the economic stability of the U.S. One only has to look across the Atlantic and witness what is going on in Europe.

Two of the most controversial items in the Deficit Reduction Commission findings are changes to entitlement spending and sharp cuts in military spending.

There will be many who are against any reduction in military spending, especially while the U.S. is engaged in two wars, both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unfortunately those proponents against reduction in military spending fail to understand the waste that is associated presently with current Pentagon spending. Instead of just slashing spending as some proponents advocate for. The time has come for real reform to hit the Pentagon.

Why does it take years for new weapon systems to come on line? The Pentagon has been debating replacing the aging KC-130 tactical air refueling tanker since 2002. We still have no replacement for the KC-130, how many billions have been spent so far, and who's district is reaping the profits of these tactics?

How long did it take for the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey used currently by the Marine Corps to begin operations? It was first proposed way back around 1982, when I first entered the Marine Corps. How many billions of dollars went into this program? It's time we look at serious reform, otherwise Congress will make the reductions for us.

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