Friday, December 10, 2010

Jailed Liu Xiaobo Awarded Nobel Prize For Peace Languishes in Chinese Jail

Sacramento, CA - 12/10/2010 - The Nobel Prize Committee awarded Chinese dissident and intellectual Liu Xiaobo the prestigious Nobel Prize for Peace, unfortunately he will be unable to receive as he is 4,000 miles away in a Chinese jail.

Liu Xiaobo's only crime is that dared speak out against the repressive Chinese government and its lack of freedom for its people. The real crime is where are the displays of outrage in the United States? Where are all the Hollywood elites, like Michael Moore and Sean Penn, and their token displays of disgust? They find the moral voice when they condemn the United States at the drop of a hat, but are silent against blatant acts of human rights violations by the government of China.

They seem to condemn the U.S. for all the perceived, or alleged evil that we perpetrate on the world, but then at the same time benefit from the untold wealth they have been privileged to receive by living in the U.S.; with almost blatant disregard for the sacrifices made daily by those of whom they accuse.

The hypocrisy is stunning by all who voice their moral outrage at the U.S. but then are silent when real injustice is being perpetrated. Let these people go to China and express their moral outrage- oh, but that would take courage and moral fiber. For the most part, the media has also been silent on this matter, with the exception of a few article's., but seem to hold the lethal doses of their venom for the criticisms of the United States.

Having been to many parts of the world myself, I give thanks and pray how lucky I am to be living in this great nation.

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