Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 and Mid-Term Elections

The issues that plagued the nation last year are still with us as we begin the New Year, the only difference those same issues will be under the guise of Novembers mid-term election. How the nation responds to high unemployment, health care, financial bailouts, the economy, and terrorism all will be under the scrutiny of how this plays out in November.

Democrats are worried that voters will hold them responsible for the state of the economy no matter how hard they try to blame the Bush Administration for the financial situation they inherited. They will have to answer for passage of the stimulus package, bailouts to financial institutions and the auto industry, health care reform with its effect on average Americans, and finally huge increase in the national debt.

Republicans haven’t gained traction as better stewards on fiscal responsibilities as the American people remember all too well they were irresponsible in regard to the national debt when they were in control of national levers of power.

The American people are going to have to open their eyes and not listen to slick campaign slogans or wallow in the mud of partisan politics of the paste. The country has serious economic issues that need to be addressed and not burden future generations with unfunded mandates.

Before health care reform is past serious discussions is essential that costs are analyzed before passage, as the nation can’t afford another entitlement program that is not properly paid for.

The election in November is crucial to fiscal stability of the nation and Americans better understand who and what they are voting for. Too often in the past when ballots are submitted emotions seem to overrule logic, this time we can’t make a mistake!

Both political parties have to understand that partisan politics are not going to win an election, the issue on American minds will be; the economy!

Republicans and Democrats better listen!

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