Thursday, January 21, 2010

Trijicon Removes Imprinted Bible Verse Numbers on Its Scopes

Trijicon, the gun sight maker who had been providing rifle sites to the military, until it was revealed recently they had been placing biblical verses on the gun sites next to the serial numbers. The company ha d contracted 800,000 sites to the military and were also used by the army and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan.

No matter how strongly one feels about ones faith we have to realize that we are in war of ideals and any reference to biblical verse plays into the hands of Islamic terrorists who use this as further evidence that this is a America lead crusade against Islam.

The troops engaged in the global struggle against this time extremism know that anything that we do is suspect to the people of the Arab world and already look suspiciously at us all ready, we don’t need to add fuel to an already tense climate of distrust.

Trijicon has stated they will remove all biblical markings on all rifle sites and is giving a conversion kit to the military to remove religious markings on current sites.

Everyone needs to use good judgment and not endanger our brave men and women who are serving the cause of freedom.

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