Thursday, January 28, 2010

President Addresses the Nation During State of the Union Address

Last night the President spoke to the nation on the state of the union and his response to the many challenges faced by America. Again the president couldn’t help but put in a few more jabs at the condition of the country when he took over and how the stimulus package passed last year helped the nation avoid the brink of another Great Depression.

This administration still believes the stimulus package worked, then why during the same speech he pressed Congress for a jobs bill, but didn’t specify what was to be included and what should be in it. I thought the stimulus bill was supposed to jump start the economy and keep unemployment at no higher than eight percent?

The president is equally guilty as the previous administration in expanding the national debt. The stimulus package was a give away to Democratic causes and had little or no real impact on stimulating the economy. No matter how often he cites the success we can find equal examples how the numbers cited by this administration just don’t had up.

This administration has increased governmental spending by over $1.7 trillion in just one year and the rate keeps continuing. Both Republicans and Democrats have contributed to the fiscal mess the nation finds itself in, and now they are pointing fingers at each other when they should look at themselves as contributing to the problem.

If the president truly wants to reduce the federal debt then all departments and agencies in the federal government need to be held accountable for irresponsible spending. This includes entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security.

It’s time for the government to go on a crash spending diet and soon, one just has to look at California at its fiscal mess; Washington is heading in the same direction.

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