Monday, January 25, 2010

President Vows to Help Middle Class

Listening to voter anger over rising federal spending and the state of the economy the president will announce curbs in federal spending and aid to the beleaguered middle class. Unfortunately the problems the president’s is facing are self inflicted. The stimulus package that passed last year was a give away to various causes popular with Democrats and did little to create the jobs the president had hoped for.

Time and time again legislation emanating from Washington had the opposite effect of stimulating the economy. Cap and Trade was an atrocious piece of legislation that only benefited the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and if implemented would have reduced jobs, as of right now its stalled in the Senate.

The president singular issue health care reform would have the nation spending billions when it can least afford it, and end up as a political albatross that had to pass the Senate by giving individual Senators key breaks costing billions just so they would vote on the measure.

If the president wants to truly create jobs then he needs to stop passing legislation that only makes the situation worse. Currently his Middle Class Task Force leader is the Vice President, who has never run a business, made payroll or have any business experience. His only experience is having spent over thirty years as a Senator, hardly the person qualified to know what businesses are going through. This president has no one in his administration with any business experience or knowledge of how things work outside of the academic world.

Washington needs to understand that eighty percent of jobs in the U.S. are with small business, you want to get America moving again then start helping small businesses across this nation. They are the ones taking the risk, they are the ones who hire other Americans, and they are the ones who will get this economy moving again.

What does Washington do, they over regulate them, they over tax them, they place mandates on them; they do everything they can to make it harder for businesses to succeed. You wonder why businesses move overseas?

Start help small business and you will help the middle class Mr. President!

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