Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown wins Massachusetts Senate Race

Last night Scott Brown stunned the nation by winning the Massachusetts Senate race formerly held by Senator Ted Kennedy who passed away last year. The stunning election sent shock waves across the nation ending the Democrats filibuster proof majority of sixty votes and places the president’s agenda in serious peril.

Scott Brown ran a disciplined race campaigning on fiscal disciple, reducing taxes, not allowing terrorists Miranda style rights, and the central focus was his insistence on being the forty first vote against the current health care reform measure now being considered by both the house and senate.

With his election victory it now has other Democrats in more moderate to conservative districts worried that independent voters who supported Democrats in both 2006 and 2008 have turned away from the policies of the Democratic Party and more important President Obama.

The very fact that he won in one of bluest states in the nation has to have Democrats quivering as the nation heads into the mid-term elections.

Right now the Republican Party is euphoric after last night’s results, but they should look deeper into why Scott Brown won and not try and over analysis this outcome.

Massachusetts voters rejected the elitist attitude of Martha Coakley who took this race for granted and the failed policies of the Democratic Party and of this administration. Republicans should take away from this race is the public is concerned with issues that impact the lives of ordinary citizens. Too often both parties are more beholden to the interests groups that support them and care very little for the average American.

Democrats won in 206 and 2008 with President Obama campaigning on the theme “Change we Can believe In” unfortunately that change led to same practices that Democrats campaigned the Republicans were guilty of.

The America people are tired of partisan politics, tired of political graft that benefit a politician or vote buying as witnessed by the health care reform bill now before congress. The American people want their concerns looked after and not corporate America or Wall Street.

Its time Washington start taking care of America!

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