Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Massachusetts Senate Election a Referendum for 2010 Mid-Term Election

The special election to fill the Senate vacancy left by the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts has turned into a Referendum for 2010 Mid-Term Election. It never intended to be this way as it should have been a slam dunk for Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley who is in a heated race with Republican state Senator Scott Brown for Ted Kennedy’s seat.

Recent polling has this race almost dead even, but in a state that has a solidly Democratic majority and one of the bluest state in the nation, it’s surprising that Scott Brown is even close. Should the unthinkable happen and Brown pull an upset it would unleash a Tsunami across the nation to all Democrats who are in moderate to conservative districts that they are in serious trouble going into the mid-term elections.

Even if Brown loses but the race is close, it still doesn’t bode well for Democratic prospects in November. Too struggle in clearly blue state with health care the number one issue makes every Democrat across the nation question how they will vote on this volatile issue.

The Republican will use this race as a huge referendum on the Obama Administration and the policies of the Democratic majority in Congress. Has I have written in the past this year every issues, every piece of legislation will have eyes on only one thing; how this plays to the voters come November.

The economy is still the single most important issue facing voters, plus no one knows how health care will play out or if the costs will be kept in check. Whatever happens this year doesn’t look bright for Democrats.

It’s still too early to know if the Democrats lose their majority in Congress, but if they do they will only have themselves to blame!

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