Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mark McGwire Comes Clean About Steroid Allegations

Yesterday, Mark McGuire finally broke his silence regarding the use of steroids and other substances during his days as a professional baseball player with both the Oakland Athletics and St Louis Cardinals. This revelation came as no surprise, as many had suspected that he had been involved in steroids during his professional career.

Pundits are now analyzing his pronouncement of his use and its ultimate impact on his candidacy for the baseball’s Hall of Fame and how this will impact the game of baseball as he begins the 2010 baseball season as the new hitting coach for the St Louis Cardinals.

The real discussion should not only be how players used performance enhancing drugs to recover faster from an injury and to gain competitive advantage by using substances they altered the playing field over players who didn’t partake, but we should discuss the larger aspect of dishonesty in this country.

There is systematic problem with the culture of America today! We are shocked when the financial markets collapsed at the end of 2008, then learned that greed and dishonesty were rewarded as long as it brought financial gain; is this any different than what transpired during the “Steroid Era” of Baseball?

We are witnessing cheating at all levels of American society and then we wonder why cheating occurs on Wall Street and in Washington! We condone it when are children are allowed to be dishonest, by justifying their actions with flimsy excuse’s. These same children eventually end up in Washington and in Wall Street but at a far higher level and the consequences are felt by all and the most effected were the ones who played by the rules.

We should not be surprised what transpired during the “Steroid Era” of baseball, it’s just that we are all guilty of tolerating a culture that permeates at throughout our society. It’s time to return to honesty and hard work of the past and we should wish for the day’s when are children can look up to hero’s such as Cal Ripken instead of those who tarnished the legacy of baseball no matter how they justify it!

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