Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Same Problems

A new year was ushered in, but the same problem persists; high unemployment and massive governmental spending that continues to see the explosion of the national debt. 2010 will be a very contentious and polarizing year as everything that emanates from Washington will have repercussions on the mid-term elections.

Health care will pass, but its ramifications will not be felt until November, when the American people will have their say on this major piece of legislation. The president will not be on the ballot but his policies will be and many moderate and conservative Democrats will be facing the wrath of voters.

This could be a very difficult year for the president and Democrats! If the economy doesn’t start to revive, meaning the bleeding of job loss will have to end, then the Democrats are in serious trouble. They can use the excuse that we inherited this mess from the past administration, but that won’t work as they came into office with high expectations, a huge majority in Congress and promising they would deliver.

Republicans to be successful in the mid-term elections need to stop focusing on social issues and focus on one simple topic; the economy! If Washington would just listen, more Americans are more concerned with the economy than anything else.

The American people have spoken they want answers to solving America’s financial mess, more government bailouts isn’t the answer. They have seen Wall Street and Corporate America get bailed out, while they lose their jobs and their home.

This will be tough road for any incumbent, but the economy will be the number one issue this year everything else will be second fiddle.

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