Friday, January 29, 2010

The National Debt Continues to Rise

On Wednesday the President addressed the nation and spoke about getting our fiscal house in order. What he should have said was that both political parties got us in this situation and it will take both political parties to get us out of the situation that the nation finds us in with massive governmental spending that is unsustainable.

The past eight years the Bush Administration and Republicans spent the period with little regard to fiscal disciple and abandoned their core beliefs of reducing government spending. The Obama Administration chastises the previous administration every chance it gets, but it has been reckless and with little regard to any semblance of fiscal responsibility continues to add to the spiraling national debt.

The stimulus package was an $800 billion monstrosity that was a give away to congressional Democrats and only benefited groups aligned with them and left the taxpayers in the cold. The president’s signature issue, health care reform is now a trillion dollar boondoggle that will only send the deficit to astronomical heights.

The time is now to reign in governmental spending! Too often we look at it as a revenue issue and that more taxes are needed to close the gap, but unfortunately this misses the point. The fact of the matter the nation needs a major overhaul on how the country spends it revenue. Washington always wants to exempt agencies or department, but to gain control over spending every department and agency has to be included.

Currently the nation is involved in two wars and correctly the President placed the cost of the wars into the Defense Authorization Bill instead of as a supplementary spending item. The 2010 Defense Bill signed last year was $660 billion dollars, but if you remove the cost of the wars you are still at about $525 billion dollars; has anybody looked at what is in this defense budget?

Every phase of government spending needs to be looked at and different procedures need to be in place that brings real reform to the budget process. The real culprits are politicians from both parties who only ability they know is to spend the taxpayer’s money!

If we don’t get a handle on this the nation’s economic future will be in doubt!

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