Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Terrorism Comes To America

The recent terrorist attack to bring down a commercial airliner has brought terrorism again to the forefront of American thought after months of everyone focusing on domestic issues. Unfortunately politicians of both parties are using this to score political point s as the nation prepares for the pivotal mid-term elections in November.

Democrats keep bringing up mistakes that the Bush Administration has made in the fight against global terrorism in particular holding terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay. They wrongly believe that keeping Guantanamo Bay open serves as a recruiting tool for jidahist in their propaganda against America. This fails to comprehend or shows a total lack of understanding of terrorism against this country.

Republican have to stop looking at the situation by trying to score political points against the Obama Administrations lack of commitment to national security and keeping this country safe from terrorism. Criticizing the president on substantial policy issues is fair game, but please leave partisan politics behind it only cheapens the process and does nothing to enhance the security of this nation.

Both Republican and Democrats need to focus on how the security breach happened in the first place! How did intelligence information know of an impending attack but not shared with other agencies? What about current policy of releasing detainees back to their home country who then rejoin jidahist movements need to be re-examined closely? All issues that allowed this individual on that aircraft need close scrutiny!

Home Land Security operational procedure also need to adjusted or re-examined as not to place Americans in jeopardy. Often political correctness that takes into account privacy issues over security issues need to be examined thoroughly. Israel has one of the safest airports in the world, with a record of not having a terrorist attack on any of its national air lines in decades. We need to look how they operate and incorporate into our own security measures.

The nation needs less partisanship and more cooperation between agencies and more individuals taking responsibility for what could have been a disastrous Christmas!

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