Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Administration Doubts Its Own Afghan Strategy

Monday, Bob Woodward's controversial book, "Obama's War's", was released to the public and a few compelling themes have emerged from it. The most controversial of all is the president doubts his own Afghan strategy.

The president had his advisers read a book called, "Lessons in Disaster" by Gordon Goldstein, regarding how the U.S. began its involvement in Vietnam. What the president failed to understand in the book is that the Johnson administration officials instituted a policy that they never believed could work. We are seeing the same thing with the president's Afghan policy.

The president, like the Johnson administration, is looking at this through political lenses and not through how this affects the strategic interests of the United States. The president's political view only looks at the Afghan strategy on how it will affect the president in 2012. There is a great divide between the president's political staff and the members of the military.

The president has to be careful, because the actions he takes have to be implemented by members of the armed forces, and they deserve to know the president fully believes in the mission he is articulating. All members of the president's administration need to fully support the Afghan surge; sadly this is not the case.

Excerpts from the book show an administration divided and confused on what to do! Hardly a vote of confidence to our men and women in uniform.

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