Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The National Debt and the Defense Budget

With the national debt becoming a major campaign issue, the Secretary of Defense announced last month he wanted to cut $100 billion dollars from the defense budget over the next few years and eliminate a major military command. With that announcement, the political fireworks began with members of Virginia's congressional delegation and its two senators vowing to stop these cuts, as the vast majority of the reductions directly affect Virginia and jobs in that state.

The next few years you will begin to see the Defense Department announce more reductions that will directly affect other states and their communities. Will we see the same political storm over those reductions. Far to often politicians are all for reductions in the Defense Departments budget, but as soon as it affects their state and their district, they fight like a wild beast to preserve and any and all programs and weapons systems; whether the military needs it or asks for it.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, stated last month that the greatest threat facing America is the mounting federal debt, which Washington only seems to talk in partisan rhetoric, but provides nothing but lip service in solving.

The day of reckoning is coming on the debt the U.S. is facing, will Washington meet this looming crisis or not?

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