Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dissension in Obama's Foreign Policy Team

Revelations in Bob Woodward's new book "Obama's War's", which will be reveled to the general public on September 27th, portray a dysfunctional and bickering foreign policy team over U.S. policy in Afghanistan. Exerts of the book have been released in advance of Monday's public release and it shows a deep divide between the military and political establishment of the president's foreign policy team.

One has to take care until the full book is analyzed, but if the reports emanating from various media affiliates who received advanced copies prove true, it comes at a difficult time for the president. The president and Democrats are facing a tough political climate leading up to the mid-term elections, and don't need more fuel added to the fire showing dissension in the president's handling of foreign policy, especially as it relates to Afghanistan.

The president has to be real careful how this is perceived, and it could prove disastrous and a perception the president is overwhelmed by events. Right now the president is enduring an economic shakeup on his economic team this compounding the image of chaos and dysfunction, when the need is for stability and confidence.

The next month should be interesting.

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