Friday, September 10, 2010

President to Award Living Soldier the Medal of Honor

For the first time since the Vietnam War, a living member of the military will be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Army Specialist Salvatore Giunta a 22 year old from Hiawatha, Iowa, will be awarded the Medal of Honor for actions sustained in combat in the Kunar province of Afghanistan.

Six medals have been awarded posthumously to those who have served in Iraq & Afghanistan, a small fraction given to those from previous conflicts. In comparison 246 Medals of Honor have been awarded to those who fought in Vietnam, 133 for the Korean War and 464 fro World War II.

The deed of the person must be proved by incontestable evidence of at least two eyewitnesses; it must be so outstanding that it clearly distinguishes his gallantry beyond the call of duty from lesser forms of bravery; it must involve the risk of his life; and it must be the type of deed which, if he had not done it, would not subject him to any justified criticism.

When the president awards the Congressional Medal of Honor to now SSgt Giunta, the American people will have the opportunity to witness a true hero, not the one manufactured in Hollywood, but one who desired to serve his country. The real hero's continually serve there country in far flung outposts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and around the world.

We should be thankful for all who serve!

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