Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gen. Petraeus Condemns Florida Church Planned Burning of Koran

In the strongest language possible General David Petraeus condemned the planed burning of the Koran on September 11th by a Florida church. U.S. governmental officials at the State Department, and the Pentagon, strongly voiced harsh language at this planned event as it would place American military personnel in serious danger, and could result in the deaths of U.S. troops.

At the Dove Out Reach Center, a 50-member evangelical church in Gainesville, the Rev. Terry Jones told CNN on Tuesday that he is "taking the general's words very serious" and that "we are definitely praying about it," leaving open the possibility that the event could be canceled. But he also said the plan is firm and is meant as "a warning to radical Islam" that "if you attack us we will attack you."

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, commented no matter how distasteful this may be, they have there first amendment rights to do so. A question that should be considered is what about the rights of U.S. forces to live, and are they being placed in direct danger by the irresponsible actions of Rev. Jones? We are in a war of ideas, and many in the Arab and Muslim world believe the U.S. is in a war against Islam. This only reinforces that belief! Dictatorships around the world are doing exactly what Rev. Jones is planning to do.

Any deaths of U.S. military personnel by his actions, he will have thier deaths on his hands.

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