Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Top Military General States National Debt Greatest Security Threat

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, stated the greatest threat to the nations security is not global terrorism, but the growing national debt. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, has launched much needed reform on how the Pentagon spends defense dollars and ushered in various changes to include canceling several Cold War era weapons systems.

It would appear the real problem is Washington has failed to understand this potential crisis and keeps spending at a record rate, with no end in sight. The crisis is the result of both Republican and Democratic administrations who failed to control spending and rein in entitlement or defense expenditures. Each administration keeps saddling the nation with ongoing spending requirements without stating how it will be paid for. The Obama administration set up a National Debt Commission that will report back in December, but unfortunately members of both parties want to exempt entitlement reform and reductions in defense.

The U.S. has to be serious about reducing the national debt, as currently foreign nations are financing our voracious appetite for spending. One only has to look at the various states across the nation to witness how large debt burden hampers economic activity.

Either we listen to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or we will witness the steady decline of the economic and military capability of the U.S.!

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