Friday, September 17, 2010

The Battle Over the Defense Budget

Next week the Senate begins the battle over the $72 billion defense spending bill , which also faces many of the contentious social issues facing the nation. Included in the bill will be issues from the repeal of the ban on gay men and women serving openly in the military, immigration issues, and abortions performed at Department of Defense hospitals.

Too often social issues get lumped into national security issues when they should be debated on their own merits, not part of national security. This shows how spineless Washington is. If they don;t have the courage to vote on contentious social issues as a standalone bill, they secretly place it into a spending bill where they know it will be harder to reject.

Its no wonder Americans have such low contempt for Washington! Consider this, Why is the nation spending $726 billion for defense? Does anyone in Washington even know what is in the bill? The real threat to the is nation as stated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is -the mounting federal debt! Washington has its head in the sand and would rather play partisan politics than make serious decisions about the nations security and economic well being.

The time has come for the American people to pay attention on what is being done on their behalf. We voted them in, and we can vote them out, but we have to be informed!

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