Friday, September 24, 2010

Bob Woodward and "Obama's War's"

Monday, the official release date of Bob Woodward's controversial book, "Obama's War's" is set to be distributed to the general public. Pundits from all walks of life who had received advanced copies of the book, released excerpts which show a president unsure of a policy he has articulated.

The real question of the release of this book is - it gives the impression that the U.S. is not fully committed to the surge of forces into Afghanistan. This only strengthens the resolve of insurgent forces and lets the Afghan people know the U.S. will abandon them once again, as was previously done when Russia pulled out in 1989.

One also has to be careful not to over analyze this book until everyone has had to the chance to dissect its full content. If the various excerpts already released prove accurate then this presents troubling problems for the president. A realistic problem for the president is not how it plays out in the political arena, but what message does it send to U.S. forces who are implementing his Afghan policy.

Right now we have a president who is conflicted over his Afghan strategy, and U.S. forces engaged in combat operations who are sacrificing their lives over a strategy the president is unsure of. Its sounding more like Hillary Clinton was right when she ran a political commercial during the campaign that mentioned, "who do you want answering the phone at 3 AM, when their is crisis in the world?"

The president had better be careful as events could get away from him.

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