Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Repel of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Stalls in Senate

With the mid-term elections fast approaching, every action by Washington is geared toward procuring favors with the base of both political parties. Yesterday's actions was no different, as Senate Democrats slipped into the Defense authorization bill, a provision to end the controversial "don't ask - don't tell", which prohibits gay military personnel from serving openly.

Senate Republicans orchestrated a successful filibuster, both Arkansas Senate Democrats, Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln, to block debate on the bill. Mostly this was for procedural reasons, as few Senators objected to the procedure on how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, placed this in the Defense authorization bill.

Politics has raised its ugly head in this debate and will continue until we get closer to the mid-term elections. Supporters of the repeal are seeing their golden opportunity slip away and may not have another chance.

If the president wanted to, he simply could overturn the ban with an executive order, much like President Truman who desegregated the armed forces. Only the president can answer that question.

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