Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Battle Toward the Mid-Term Election

Both political parties battle each other to see who will eventually control Congress, and use this as a springboard for the final prize; the presidency in 2012. The Democrats enjoyed electoral success in both 2006, when they captured the Congress from Republican control, and in 2008, with President Obama's historical election - and with it total control of governing in Washington.

The landscape has changed with a sever recession that has sent unemployment higher, this coupled with businesses reluctant to hire, fearing the unknown of what will emanate from Washington. Both parties are jockeying for position, but the unfortunate problem is that both parties are only looking out for their best interests, instead of the best interests of the nation.

Both parties have failed to address the core problems facing the country and only look through partisan lenses, definitely failing America's greatest threat - the mounting federal debt. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been trying to tackle defense reductions at the Pentagon while facing mounting opposition from Congress.

Whoever ends up controlling Congress better start placing the needs of the country first, not the needs of the Democratic or Republican parties. The closer we get to November, the more contentious the battle will get. Before America votes, the American people need to ask themselves who has the better plan, and not listen to the partisan rhetoric of what we want to hear.

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