Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Democrats and Republicans Failed America

The citizens of Virginia, New Jersey and New York’s 23rd congressional district will be going to the polls today and both political parties will try to spin the election results in favor of their party. Unfortunately the American people see it differently as both Republican and Democratic parties have created the mess that America finds itself in.

Too often nepotism and greed are the theme both political parties have been wallowing at the trough of partisan politics. Both parties claim to speak for America but too often they are only concerned with furthering their own partisan agenda.

When the Republicans controlled the power structure in Washington all too often greed and party politics was the order of the day. Currently Republicans complain of massive government spending by the Obama administration, but when they governed fiscal disciple was further from their thoughts as they rang up massive government spending.

The Democrats are in power and the same rings true for them. After having won the election last November they misinterpreted the mandate they were given. Too often the theme was “Change We Can Believe In,” however the American people did not expect the change to be a liberal agenda that has seen government spending sore to historical levels with no end in sight.

Both parties are more concerned with their own self interest then solving the nation’s problems. Whatever the election results are, the American people want Washington to re-start the engine of job growth not economic stagnation, health care reform that truly reforms the system but not bankrupt the nation.

Both parties have failed to articulate why we are involved in Afghanistan, and why more forces are needed. Both parties look differently at those serving in the armed forces. One party looks at the military with disgust, while the other supports those who serve as long they or their families don’t have to serve.

It’s time America take back its country, this means get out and be informed and vote. Too often America takes an apathetic approach of governing, one only has to look at California and how that state has been run into fiscal insolvency.

If we fail to take back our country and elect individuals who have real answers and hold them accountable then we will see this nation rise to historic level. America’s best days are not behind us but in front of us.

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