Sunday, November 22, 2009

Joblessness a Threat to Americas National Security

Right now the greatest threat to the nations security is the vast numbers of unemployed Americans, but what is being done about it; nothing! The vast pools of unemployed Americans will reduce the amount of revenue that will enable the country to reduce the size of its national debt. The Obama Administrations only answer to this crisis is massive government spending that has only increased the size of the national debt and raised the number of Americans who are unemployed.

The economic stimulus plan that was ushered in the early days of this administration was supposed to stabilize unemployment at around 8%, but it is now 10.2% and by most economic forecasts will continue to go much higher. The economic stimulus has to be considered a failure went only to maintaining public sector employment with very little of it going to infrastructure improvement.

If you speak to small businesses across the nation that will tell you the same thing that there is a fear of what the future will bring. The administration just doesn’t get it businesses will not be spending any additional revenue to expand the employment in their companies as they know more taxes will be coming from Washington.

This congress and this administration are increasing the economic burden on small businesses who account for about 80% of economic activity in this country. Next month a job summit will be held in Washington, but most likely the only ones in attendance will be representatives from labor and corporations, but small businesses will be left in the cold as they don’t have the political clout that gives special interest money to the power brokers in Washington.

If this administration wants to create economic growth, then it needs to reduce the heavy tax burden on small businesses, over haul the cumbersome regulatory system, elevate the byzantine economic strangulation of suffocating environmental laws, and over haul the litigation system in this nation.

The administration has spent too much effort by bailing out banks and corporate America who placed short term profits over sound economic policy and placed America at the brink. Stop the bail outs, end corporate welfare and focus on small business will then America will be able to recover economically.

The future of America is in the hands of this administration! He can blame anyone he wants, but the mantle is on his shoulder and no one else. Mr. President Lead!

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