Monday, November 16, 2009

The Economy Still Sputters Along

President Obama campaigned last year that he would not be beholden to special interest and that his administration will stand up for the American people. I guess that was all campaign rhetoric! It has recently been reported that Andy Stern, President of the Services Employees International Union (SEIU) a labor union that has provided close to $60 million 2008 political campaign has had over 20 visits to the White House.

When speaking against special interests group is fashionable as long as it’s the other guy’s special interests that you are criticizing. Do other groups who have opinions that our different from the president have the same access?

The stimulus package that the this administration touts as keeping the economy from heading to the brink of financial disaster seems to go to those groups that supported the president, including state and local governments backed by municipal unions that supported Democratic candidates.

At the same time that U.S. stimulus package was being spent on bloated government projects with minimal spending on infrastructure project, China was enacting its own stimulus spending and almost all of it was spent on infrastructure spending: their economy is expanding while ours is contracting.

What are we getting with all this government spending? Nothing but bloated government spending that is bankrupting this country!

Does small business have the same access as labor? This administration came to power with the mantle of “Change We Can Believe In.” The change we got was special interests that favor this president get the support and taxpayer funding at the expense of the American people.

The economy will continue to decline and more Americans will face dire financial situations until this president puts Americans first!

I am not holding my breath!

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