Tuesday, November 10, 2009

High Unemployment Still Confronts America

Next year begins the all important mid-term election with both Republicans and Democrats looking for any political advantage that will give them victory in 2010. The nation is still one year away and anything can happen that will shape the electoral landscape, a foreign crisis or as we see now the economy will the core issue for most voters.

Right now more than any issues the economy will be the issue that voters will be concerned with as they head to the polls in 2010. If the economy is still in its current stagnation with unemployment high then it will be a long night for Democrats, but if the economy begins to rebound then expect the Democrats to retain their majority in Congress.

Right now a lot of uncertainty faces the Democrats in Congress. Last week unemployment rose to 10.2% the highest since the recession of the early 80’s, and the current debate on health care reform have numerous Democrats worried as they know that whatever happens they will be held accountable.

The best answer for Democrats is that unemployment needs to start coming down and the uncertainty that has plagued America has to be changed or else the Democrats will face dim electoral prospect.

This doesn’t make it easier for Republicans; they need to come up a viable message that focuses more on issues that Americans care about and less on social issues. A queue for them is looking at the Virginia Gubernatorial race as a key to success in 2010. Republican Bob McDonnell won by focusing more on issues that voter cared about and less on social issues.

The 2010 election will be all about the economy! All other issues will be second tier issues, even the war in Afghanistan will not be addressed as more Americans are worried about if they will have a job or be able to find quality jobs.

Candidates that focus on economic issues will have a better chance than those that focus on social or engage in partisan politics. The facts are this “It’s the Economy Stupid.”

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