Thursday, November 5, 2009

Elections Over Now What?

The euphoria of the Tuesday’s election has now subsided into partisan banter on who won and who lost, but to the American people it’s back to reality: What plan does Washington have in solving the economic misery that Americans find themselves in!

The election should serve as a backdrop that partisan politics will not be tolerated as Americans want answers to the economy. Independent voters who both parties seem to claim as their own have stated they want elected officials to worry more about creating good quality jobs, stop the massive government debt that is emanating from Washington, pass real health care reform that wil not bankrupt this nation.

With both political parties using this election to format strategy for the upcoming 2010 mid-term elections, candidates who aspire to political office will have to articulate what they will accomplish if elected. Current office holders can not complain how the past administration got us into this mess but what they have done or not done while in office.

Governor elect Robert McDonnell of Virginia ran his race discussing core issues that resonate with voters with a message regarding jobs, education, transportation, and other economic related issues faced by voters. This will be the model not the exception on running for office!

Governor Jon Corzine too often made this election about Former President George Bush instead of what voters were more concerned with was the economy and his lack of handling of these issues. If Democrats want to retain the majority in Congress they will have to stop reiterating the Bush theme, if they continue that approach they will lose!

Republicans must stop running campaigns based solely on social issues and focus on issues that voters can rally behind. What will be their solution to the economic stagnation gripping the country?

The 2010 will be more a reflection of where the country is and on President Obama’s performance in office. If the economy improves it favors the Democrats, if the economy is stagnating then it favors the Republican. Be prepared for an interesting year!

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