Saturday, November 14, 2009

U.S. Fiscal Solvency a Threat To National Security

Right now America faces a grave threat to its national security, not from a foreign threat, this one is self inflicted; the inability of the federal government to control spending! Both political parties contributed to the massive federal debt and both parties have done nothing to reign in government spending.

Republicans speak of the reckless nature of President Obama and the Democratic controlled congress accelerated government spending this year, but when Republicans controlled both branches of government adding to federal debt was a minor annoyance.

The fact remains that Washington must begin to reign in government spending or this nation will face serious repercussions. Currently we are witnessing the rise of the cost of gold, and the lowering of the dollar, now in the short term this helps U.S. exports overseas, as it makes are exports cheaper, but this cannot be sustained forever.

Maintaining a large debt makes foreign investors nervous as they at some point will refuse to finance our extravagant spending without our ability to reduce our federal debt. Currently our fate is in the hands of foreign creditors such as China & Japan to name a few, if that continues it compromises our economy at home.

The Obama Administration is perusing a flawed strategy of massive government spending to spur the nation’s economy out its current economic stagnation. A misinterpretation of history by this administration will only continue the stagnation of the nation’s economy and not the growth sought.

The administration needs to focus on getting American business back to concept of long range planning and not short term profit at the expense of sustained economic activity. Right now the heart and soul of American economic growth are languishing in over regulation, high rate of taxation, byzantine economic laws, government policies that place labor over the laws of economics that cripple small businesses and entrepreneurs from expanding economic growth.

Right now what is stifling economic growth is government and bloated corporations that have failed basic laws of business! It seems odd that as I was putting my business together the first thing was putting together a viable and comprehensive business plan; but major corporations don’t have to! This is beyond comprehension!

If the Obama fails to control spending, fails to spur economic growth then the American economy will face economic stagnation and continued economic uncertainty.


  1. It seems that every government program rewards and props up failure and bad decisions from both corporations and individuals. To make matters worse, they punish those who are resourceful and successful. Until DC starts to do things very differently (I am not holding my breath) we will continue to slip down the slope of ruin.

  2. Government still dosen't get it and it seems they never will
